With everything that has happened, we have still kept the Care Calendar and Take-Out Taxi on this blog. This has been extremely helpful to Julie and we wanted to keep the calendars active for future needs.
You can see what practical needs we might have by accessing our Lotsa Helping Hands care calendar. Please contact Ali Winter if you have questions/trouble logging on: allisonannewinter@gmail.com or 202.419.9125.
https://www.lotsahelpinghandsTAKE-OUT TAXI
Instructions from Mary Kay:
1)Call “Take Out Taxi” at 703.578.3663 to make a donation to the Kelly Account (#4427204).
2)Stop by the Take Out Taxi location at 5655 Columbia Pike #200, Falls Church, VA 22041 anytime between Mon-Wed 10-10, and Thurs-Sun 10-11 to donate.